What is an catheterization?
A procedure performed in the hospital to diagnose heart disease. During this procedure a catheter is inserted into an artery. Contrast dye is then injected into this artery at which point the dye flows to the heart. After this is completed, x-rays are taken of the heart and arteries.
How do I prepare for a Cardiac Catheterization Test??
DO NOT eat or drink after midnight of the night BEFORE THE TEST.
If you wear contacts, DO NOT wear them to the test!! Wear your glasses.
Take your normal blood pressure medications the morning of the test unless otherwise instructed by the Doctor. Bring all other medications with you to the hospital.
DO NOT TAKE GLUCOPHAGE OR METPHORMIN or anything containing this medicine for 2 days prior to the test. This is a diabetes medication. If you are not sure if your medications include Glucophage or Metformin, ask the nurse.